
Availability interview

If you are unemployed, you will be required to attend 2 availability interviews with the unemployment insurance fund during the first 6 months of unemployment. The first interview before you have been unemployed for a total of 3 months, and the second interview before you have been unemployed for a total of 6 months.

Other than that, the unemployment insurance fund will only invite you for an availability interview in case of any doubts about your availability. For instance, if we are unable to see from your job log that you are applying for jobs as agreed.

What happens at the availability interview?

At the availability interview, the unemployment insurance fund and you will look at your job-seeking activities so far and agree on a plan for your job search activities going forward.

But the unemployment insurance fund must also perform an availability assessment and decide whether you are available to the labour market. Or in other words: If you have applied for enough jobs to retain your eligibility for benefits.

In the availability assessment, the unemployment insurance fund will take into account the following factors:

  • all solicited and unsolicited applications you have registered in your job log
  • whether your job search activities have been serious and realistic
  • whether your job search activities are sufficiently broad in terms of industries and geography
  • whether you have applied for a reasonable number of jobs per week

Read more about availability and job search requirements