

We can help you while you are employed with career advice to improve your career

CA helps you develop personally and professionally to improve and maintain your value on the labour market regardless of where you are and where you are going.

Achieve your dream career goals

At CA we are first and foremost your career partner and ready to offer support and guidance regardless of your current work situation and your dream career goals.

Real life

Each working day brings about an array of challenges and issues to be solved − and potential development opportunities. Working life also raises many questions. Am I at the right place? What is the next step? There may be a decline in your job satisfaction or an increase in your stress level.

One thing is certain. We live in a world of change - a world in constant motion. That makes demands. On businesses and on you as a salary earner and an employee.

You must be able to acquire new skills, deliver and perform while achieving a good work-life balance combining work, leisure time and family life. That can be challenging.

We develop your skills together

CA helps you develop personally and professionally to improve and maintain your value on the labour market.

We offer a wealth of e-books, courses, webinars and online events to allow you to improve your professional and personal skills and to gain new knowledge and inspiration to achieve a good work-life balance.

Career advice

As a CA member, you can get free career advice and coaching tailored to you, your challenges and your needs. Career advice is about helping you one step further in your career.

A meeting with a CA career advisor can help you plan your career development or guide you during your job search period. But job counselling can also be about your wellbeing at work.